Learning Creighton while single or engaged
If every young girl was taught Creighton, the world would have much less female factor infertility, and female reproductive health problems. The focus in this category is preparedness. Young women, who learn to chart, quickly understand which patterns are healthy, and which are not. They learn a healthy respect for their body and what it is capable of bringing forth into the world. The greatest empowerment a young woman can have is to understand her own body, and the cyclic variations contained within it. It is the easiest way for her to understand her self-worth, and her dignity as a human person.
Women today often remark why they weren’t instructed on the intricacies of how their body works. There is no greater education on women’s health available than learning Creighton charting. Each woman is taught to identify the biomarkers contained in the chart. Many health issues are revealed by charting, even cancer has biomarkers! Women who chart can identify the early stages of cancer, long before their doctor would have found it on imaging or via bloodwork.
Pre-marriage engagement preparation is another great time to learn Creighton. Couples preparing for marriage and family, before using it for family planning, can learn how to achieve as well as avoid a pregnancy. This is all while respecting the dignity of the couple, and encouraging every intimate marital act to be a complete gift of self. For those who are completing marriage preparation in the Catholic Church, Creighton instruction satisfies the NFP requirement by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Schedule an Introductory Session today, and begin your journey.