Our sessions will be
Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness, learning CREIGHTON charting, and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.
Everyone has their own medical journey. The CREIGHTON chart provides the greatest window available into your health. We will target the biomarkers shown, and refer for effective NaProTECHNOLOGY treatment if needed.
Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, we’ll be educating you on other helpful resources, such as supplementation and therapy for a lifetime of health and optimized fertility.
What you’ll get
8 individual Follow Ups including charting materials for one year.*
*For new clients without previous Creighton instruction.
An option to utilize a Creighton App after the 5th Follow Up.
A comprehensive wellness assessment.
A personalized health plan, and referral, if needed, to a NaProTECHNOLOGY trained Medical Consultant to help you reach your goals.
Unlimited guidance and support via email.
Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles.
The opportunity to have guidance/instruction throughout your childbearing years into menopause, whether you are newly engaged, postpartum, or trying to achieve or avoid a pregnancy.

Group Introductory Session: $50
Private Introductory Session: $65
New Client 8 Individual Follow Up FULL PREPAYMENT (includes materials): $550
TWO PAYMENT Breakdown:
$275 due at 1st follow up
$275 due at 3rd follow up
(within 30 days of first follow up)
1 year supply of Charts/Stamps: $15
1 year supply of Stamps only: $10
30 Minute Chart Review: $45
30 minute Phone Consultation: $45
60 minute Phone Consultation: $65
Long Term Follow Up Session: $65
Additional 30 minutes +$45
Additional 60 minutes +$65
What is an introductory session?
The Introductory Session is the initial class that provides an overview of CREIGHTON and NaProTECHNOLOGY. It does not teach you exactly how to chart, that comes later in the individual follow ups. Private introductory sessions may be scheduled, if you would prefer, for a small increase in cost. Refer to the Fee Breakdown above for more details.
How effective is the creighton model?
For couples who are seeking to avoid or space a pregnancy, CREIGHTON is 99.5% effective when used perfectly and 96% effective with typical use. To put that into perspective, the birth control pill is 91% effective with typical use.
For couples who are seeking to achieve a pregnancy, CREIGHTON and cooperative NaProTECHNOLOGY treatment has an 80% success rate. This is in contrast to the much lower live birth success rate of 13-43% for IVF/ART*.
Can all women use this method?
We meet you where you are at, it is your job to discern your path forward. If you are looking to avoid pregnancy, achieve pregnancy, or if you are single and simply want to monitor your health, you are in the right place. Creighton excels at helping women with complex issues: not cycling, painful cycles, and hormone dysfunction just to name a few. Most clients are drawn to this healthy way to plan their family, and to the empowerment of managing their own health.
Do i need to pay for all 8 follow ups right away?
New clients have the option to pay in full for the initial eight follow ups, or pay in two payments. Payment is due before the 1st Follow Up. If paying in two payments, the first payment is due before the 1st follow up, and the second is due before the third follow up (one month later). Long term clients (past the first year of instruction) are billed for each individual follow up and charged for the length of time spent. See the Fee Breakdown above for more information.
What is the difference between a NaProTechnology Medical consultant and a NaProtechnology Surgical fellow?
Medical Consultants are trained in basic NaProTECHNOLOGY care, and can read and interpret Creighton charts. NaPro Surgical Fellows are able to utilize the full extent of NaProTECHNOLOGY, including surgical care. They complete an extensive year long surgical fellowship at the Saint Paul VI Institute. Minnesota will have a surgical fellow working here in September of 2021!
do you submit to insurance?
Integrated FertilityCare™ Center does not currently submit insurance claims for clients, consequently we are considered an “Out of Network” provider. Upon request we can provide a receipt for you which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. If you would like to check your coverage, you can call your insurance company and ask if they cover out of network providers, and at what percentage for family planning. This will provide an anticipated estimate of your coverage.
***In the State of MN, insurers are required to cover equally for all family planning services which includes Creighton. If your plan offers coverage, for the pill for example, all materials and services are eligible to be reimbursed at the same “Out of Network” rate.