progesterone levels in twin pregnancy
Progesterone levels during a twin pregnancy should be higher than a singleton pregnancy. These are the level guidelines for throughout the pregnancy.

Progesterone levels by gestational age with Protocol.
Progesterone levels during pregnancy are separated into four zones by gestational age. Healthy levels are Zone 3 or 4. Zones 1 and 2 require bio-identical supplementation. NaPro protocol by zone and gestation is listed for your convenience.

Recurrent Miscarriage
Recurrent miscarriage is a crushing devastation for which standard medical practice often offers no solution. Creighton and NaProTechnology can help.

Learning Creighton while single or engaged
Learning Creighton is optimally done as a young teenager. Early learning means early treatment, which can greatly impact future fertility. Learning as an engaged couple is an ideal way to prepare for marriage and plan a family. It should be done early in the engagement, so the couple has time to really be comfortable with the method before needing to use it for family planning purposes.